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5 Things That Changed My Life

Sounds a little overwhelming, right? Well, it's the little things you do every day that make a difference and can change your life - did you know that it takes an average of 66 days to create a habit? That may seem like a long time, but it really isn't! Think about it...August 6 was 66 days ago, that seems like just yesterday to me!

Through your daily habits and routine you can start to see a huge shift in how you feel. Here are just a few things I started doing every day (or at least as often as possible) that have changed my life:

1) WARM LEMON WATER EVERY MORNING. Drinking a cup of warm lemon water every morning is one of the simplest, most affordable and natural ways to improve your health which has incredible benefits on your health.

2) EATING SOMETHING BEFORE YOU DRINK YOUR MORNING COFFEE. This one is new to me, and it can also prove challenging. I'm not always hungry first thing in the morning, but I recently learned that drinking coffee on an empty stomach can often negatively effect hormone and gut health - 2 things I have been known to struggle with, so recently I started eating something small prior to my coffee (usually a small bowl of overnight oats and eggs). Hard to say if I've noticed a significant difference, but I don't feel as anxious or jittery in the morning.

3) NATURE WALKS. Seems obvious, right? Americans don't spend nearly enough time outside - we are a society that is glued to our technology and often we forget what is just outside our doorstep. People don't realize that spending time outside leads to significant health benefits. Studies have shown that walking outside (especially in the woods!) can improve blood pressure, boost mental health and decrease cancer risk. So, what are you waiting for?! Get your butt outside!

4) DEEP BREATHING. Another one that mine seem obvious, and another one that we don't do often enough. Think about the last time you took a deep breath? Can you remember? How did you feel afterwards? Pretty great, right? There are a number of benefits to deep breathing including decreased anxiety and depression and it has even been known to decrease blood pressure. So next time you're in a traffic jam or someone cuts you off on your way to work, I encourage you to take a few really deep breaths and see how you feel afterwards. If you still want to curse them out afterwards, you have my permission (but at least keep the windows up). :)

5) STOPPED USING PHONE FIRST THING IN THE MORNING. Nowadays, most of us are glued to our smartphones. And even though they can help us be more productive and improve the quality of our lives — it can also be a major source of distraction and stress. When you wake up and immediately check your phone, you’re being bombarded with new messages, emails, to-dos, and other stimuli that often creates a feeling of stress and anxiety. Not to mention, if you see something negative first thing in the morning, it can often lead to stress and anxiety throughout the day. So put your phones down, enjoy some warm lemon water, go for a nature walk and take some deep breaths!

I get it. All of these changes may seem overwhelming, but start off with one thing a week. Choose one thing off the list today and try to do it all week, then add another next week...

And as always, let me know how it went. I'd love to hear from you.

Happy Monday everyone.

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