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Sourdough 101

Several of you have requested that I offer an online course, so I'm thrilled to announce that my Online Sourdough 101 Course is finally published! This course has been such a labor of love and I'm so glad it's finally completed.

My original goal was to have it finished in February, then life happened and I got too busy with my business (not a bad thing!), so I put my focus and energy elsewhere. Then my goal was the middle of March...then at the beginning of April, but I felt like every time I went to work on it, my heart wasn't in it yet, and I was rushing to just "get it finished."

So now here we are, a few months and several hiccups (technology!) later and she is finished.

This course is designed for someone new to sourdough baking, or someone who is looking to start. I will walk you through the process step-by-step starting with the beloved sourdough starter, then we will work up to making a loaf of sourdough bread.

What's included with the course:

  • 14 PDF files with detailed instructions on each step of sourdough

  • 8 Videos with step-by-step instructions

  • Bonus Material: links to some of my favorite sourdough recipes, plus my Digital Recipe book + A Basic Sourdough Bread Recipe Card sent to your inbox. Plus, unlimited Q & A answered by me via email within 24 hours.

I hope you'll let me be a part of your sourdough journey. Please reach out with any questions.

Click on the photo below to Enroll in Sourdough 101! Let's DOUGH THIS!

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